Ainsley Croil

Phone: 403-328-1201
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year at General Stewart Elementary! I am excited to be joining this great community to serve as your principal and to work with our dedicated staff, engaged families, and enthusiastic students.
General Stewart is known to be a small, community-minded school with a strong tradition of excellence and striving to be the best. As a school community, we will continue to focus on creating a supportive and inclusive environment where every student can thrive. The ongoing goal for the school is that at General Stewart, we are kind, believe in ourselves, embrace challenges, treat everyone with respect, work hard and dream big. I look forward to seeing all the amazing ways that we will grow and learn through these opportunities this year!
We value the partnership between home and school and encourage families to stay involved and connected. Your support is vital to our students' success.
Thank you for entrusting us with your children's education. Together, we will make this a fantastic year for our General Stewart community.
Please feel free to contact me at the school (403) 328-1201 or at with any questions or concerns.
Warm regards,
Mrs. Ainsley Croil
General Stewart Elementary