Makaila Oddan

Grade 1
Phone: 403-328-1201
Welcome to First Grade! I know we are going to do so many amazing things this year. You will all grow as readers, writers, mathematicians, and thinkers. I am very excited to be your teacher! I can't wait to learn all about you, but first, here are a few things about me.
I come from a big family; I am the oldest of 5 children. Many will have known me as Miss Cline, but I got married this summer! I am now Mrs. Oddan! I met my husband while at the University of Lethbridge, where I graduated with degrees in Education and Visual Art. I also have a background in Fashion Design. This will be my fifth-year teaching. WOW has time flown by! When I am not teaching, I spend my time with my friends and family, skiing, camping, travelling, painting, and sewing. I am looking forward to adding to the list of fourteen countries I have already visited. Hopefully, I will one day visit Iceland and see the Northern Lights!
I can't wait to see you very soon, FRIENDS!